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"A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground. Then it is done, no matter how brave its warriors or strong its weapons." A proverb commonly attributed to the Cheyenne. Wrapped in a white wolf, giving her a sense of pride and strength, she represents many indigenous women who embody the fierceness, strength and loyalty of their ancestors, but also carry the hearts of their nations.

Sabrina is a native of Brazil and has both African and Indigenous roots. She is wearing regalia from the Blackfoot tribe and performing a smudge, which is a universal Indigenous cleansing ceremony.

"A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground. Then it is done, no matter how brave its warriors or strong its weapons." A proverb commonly attributed to the Cheyenne. Wrapped in a white wolf, giving her a sense of pride and strength, she represents many indigenous women who embody the fierceness, strength and loyalty of their ancestors, but also carry the hearts of their nations.

SIZE: 24 X 18 MEDIUM: Pastel on Canson board This image was created for the book "Proud to be Metis" by David Bouchard. Daniels was a Metis leader, social activist, author and actor. He was instrumental in the April 2016 Supreme Court decision regarding the Metis and Non-Status Indians, which is now referred to as the Harry Daniels Case.

SIZE: 24 X 18 MEDIUM: Pastel on Canson board This image was created for the book "Proud to be Metis" by David Bouchard. Daniels was a Metis leader, social activist, author and actor. He was instrumental in the April 2016 Supreme Court decision regarding the Metis and Non-Status Indians, which is now referred to as the Harry Daniels Case.

SIZE: 30 X 42 MEDIUM: Oil on canvas Despite past injustices, indigenous people remain stewards of Mother Earth, looking to the future with hope for many generations.

MEDIUM: pastel on paper Dennis completed this demo and sold it at the 2015 Art Walk.

SIZE: 22 inch diameter MEDIUM: Acrylic on buffalo hide

SIZE: 30 X 42 MEDIUM: Oil on canvas Despite past injustices, indigenous people remain stewards of Mother Earth, looking to the future with hope for many generations.

SIZE: 30 X 24 MEDIUM: pastel on mat board Wading through the Cheyenne River on a hot day, Red Hawk is giving his horse much needed relief from the heat of the sun.

SIZE: 27.25" X 45.25" MEDIUM: Oil on canvas Gabriel Dumont Institute (GDI), in partnership with Metis Nation Saskatchewan, commissioned this painting of Metis Veterans. It is the second painting of this subject and has will be incorporated into the Metis Veterans Memorial at Batoche, Saskatchewan

SIZE: 18 X 14 MEDIUM: pencil on pvc This young native girl has learned to love her traditional way of life because her Kokum (grandmother) has instilled this love in all areas of her life.

SIZE: 30 X 24 MEDIUM: pastel on mat board Wading through the Cheyenne River on a hot day, Red Hawk is giving his horse much needed relief from the heat of the sun.

SIZE: 24 X 18 MEDIUM: Pastel on black paper Three Eagles (Tcleskaimi) was a Nez Perce (Flathead) chief who was camping with his tribe at Ross Hole in 1905. One day when he was out scouting the area for horse thieves, he encountered the Lewis and Clark expedition. The explorers decided to camp nearby and there was a friendly exchange of tobacco, buffalo robes and blankets.

SIZE: 30 X 24 MEDIUM: Pastel on grey suede mat board This was Dennis' entry for the 2014 Calgary Stampede Live Auction. This title was chosen (a Cree word meaning “the act of connecting”) because the image captures the obvious connection between Eugene Braverock and his horse.

SIZE: 24 X 20 MEDIUM: Pastel on black paper Capturing the moment when both Thomas and his horse had their eyes closed was amazing. I think it shows how close we can be to our animal brothers.

SIZE: 24 X 18 MEDIUM: Pastel on black paper Three Eagles (Tcleskaimi) was a Nez Perce (Flathead) chief who was camping with his tribe at Ross Hole in 1905. One day when he was out scouting the area for horse thieves, he encountered the Lewis and Clark expedition. The explorers decided to camp nearby and there was a friendly exchange of tobacco, buffalo robes and blankets.

SIZE: 36 X 24 MEDIUM: Pastel on black suede mat board This was Dennis' entry for the 2013 Calgary Stampede Live Auction. Asawapiwin is a Cree word that can mean “a hunting blind” or “a place to watch from”. It can also mean “looking out” which Red Hawk is doing in this painting as he waits for the buffalo.

SIZE: 26 X 20 MEDIUM: Pastel on textured mat board In this rendition of Mountain Man, I decided to use the aurora in the background almost as a result of the material I was working on. This was the first time I used this shiny, textured board and it actually added to the glow of the aurora.

SIZE: 21 X 17 MEDIUM: Pastel & coloured pencil on black suede matte board This image belongs to Dennis’ “Animal Guide” series, his tribute to the belief system called Shamanism that is part of many indigenous cultures world-wide. Identifying with the strengths and characteristics of certain animals, they believe that the spirits of these animals are guiding them through their lives. A Vision Quest may be undertaken to reveal their Animal Guide.

SIZE: 36 X 24 MEDIUM: Pastel on black suede mat board This was Dennis' entry for the 2013 Calgary Stampede Live Auction. Asawapiwin is a Cree word that can mean “a hunting blind” or “a place to watch from”. It can also mean “looking out” which Red Hawk is doing in this painting as he waits for the buffalo.

This little girl has just lost her grandmother and is missing her very much. Nokum is grandmother in Cree.

SIZE: 16 X 21 MEDIUM: Charcoal and coloured pencil on black suede mat board Gilly Alook is a good friend of mine and is northern Cree. His life on the Red Road has taken him to a good place.

SIZE: 20 X 26 MEDIUM: Pencil on paper My great grandfather and his father fought with Riel and I like to imagine them as heroes leading the charge. I don’t have a story that tells this happened, but there are many stories of Metis heroism in battle; at Batoche, the Red River, the Battle of Coteau and as Buffalo Hunters on the plains.

This little girl has just lost her grandmother and is missing her very much. Nokum is grandmother in Cree.

SIZE: 40 X 18 MEDIUM: Oil This young boy's parents own a Ranch on the Cheyenne River in South Dakota. He takes everything in stride as he learns the ins and outs of ranching.

SIZE: 24 X 18 MEDIUM: Oil We met Max Skabelund at the Zion Flute Festival where he was selling his excellent hand-crafted Native Flutes. We've sold a number of them in Canada for him.

COMMISSION SIZE: 24 X 18 MEDIUM: Oil on linen Jay is a bronze artist from Great Falls, Montana. His grandmother, who was Sioux, married a blacksmith from the Seventh Cavalry. Jay raises working Quarter Horses and has spent time on the rodeo circuit. His knowledge and respect for the working cowboy shows clearly in his art. Appreciation for history, his own native ancestry and the people and animals of the west he loves, are all illustrated in his work.

SIZE: 40 X 18 MEDIUM: Oil This young boy's parents own a Ranch on the Cheyenne River in South Dakota. He takes everything in stride as he learns the ins and outs of ranching.

SIZE: 4 feet X 8 feet MEDIUM: Oil This is a scene on Lake Osoyoos familiar to the locals. A large sand dune is a gathering place for many creatures including horses who range in the hills behind. It was a fortunate circumstance that on the day of our photoshoot an eagle landed in the tree to the right.

SIZE: 30 X 40 MEDIUM: Oil This was Dennis' entry for the 2010 Calgary Stampede Live Auction. Every year on the Cheyenne River, artists gather for "The Artist's Ride" to photograph western and native themed scenes for their paintings. You can imagine these men riding toward the enemy just as their ancestors rode toward the enemy in the Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876.

SIZE: 36 X 30 MEDIUM: Oil David Bouchard is a best-selling author, keynote speaker and member of the Order of Canada. This portrait was commissioned to be included in his book "Secret of Your Name". It now hangs in the David Bouchard Elementary School in Oshawa, Ontario.

SIZE: 4 feet X 8 feet MEDIUM: Oil This is a scene on Lake Osoyoos familiar to the locals. A large sand dune is a gathering place for many creatures including horses who range in the hills behind. It was a fortunate circumstance that on the day of our photoshoot an eagle landed in the tree to the right.

SIZE: 36 X 56 MEDIUM: Oil We sometimes go to high places to commune with nature and it's where the Great Spirit sometimes talks to us. This person has come here to pursue his Vision Quest.

SIZE: 10 X 12 MEDIUM: Acrylic Aboriginal people are extremely skilled in tracking game, a skill honed over millenia on the North American continent. I entered this painting in the annual competition and fundraising auction of the Guide Outfitters of BC (GOBC).

SIZE: 30 X 36 MEDIUM: Oil This painting was commissioned for the book "The Secret of Your Name". Music and dancing (especially jigging) is an integral part of the Metis culture.

SIZE: 36 X 56 MEDIUM: Oil We sometimes go to high places to commune with nature and it's where the Great Spirit sometimes talks to us. This person has come here to pursue his Vision Quest.

SIZE: 18 X 24 MEDIUM: Oil on board Using a model from the "Artist's Ride" in South Dakota, I set up this scene to evoke an image of the famous and colorful Englishman Archibald Belaney who called himself Grey Owl. He lived his life in Canada as a Native and conservationist at the beginning of the 20th century.

SIZE: 42 X 30 MEDIUM: Oil A warrior comes upon the camp site of his enemy shortly after they have fled. He is dressed for war in his beaded war shirt. This scene was created at Artist's Ride in South Dakota.

SIZE: 22.5 X 58.5 MEDIUM: Oil Originally created for the cover, this is another image for the book "The Secret of Your Name" by author David Bouchard. It shows the interior of a typical trading post or fort. It is the story of the discovery of David's Metis roots as well as the story of the Metis Nation itself.

SIZE: 18 X 24 MEDIUM: Oil on board Using a model from the "Artist's Ride" in South Dakota, I set up this scene to evoke an image of the famous and colorful Englishman Archibald Belaney who called himself Grey Owl. He lived his life in Canada as a Native and conservationist at the beginning of the 20th century.

SIZE: 24 X 36 MEDIUM: Oil In celebration of the hundred year anniversary of Gabriel Dumont’s death, the Gabriel Dumont Institute commissioned this piece to be used for a poster.

SIZE: 20 X 16 MEDIUM: Pencil Gilbert Alook is a good friend of mine who has modeled for me on a number of occasions. He's a social worker in Kelowna, BC, is involved in the Metis movement and is an avid jigger.

SIZE: 24 X 18 MEDIUM: Oil The hat was inspired by Van Gough, while the hat band is the Metis Sash.

SIZE: 24 X 36 MEDIUM: Oil In celebration of the hundred year anniversary of Gabriel Dumont’s death, the Gabriel Dumont Institute commissioned this piece to be used for a poster.